Our Originals
Can’t top the originals! Try our special combinations of toppings, spreads and soft ice cream filled Dragon Fire Bread pastry.

Dragon King
cinnamon topping, Nutella spread, vanilla ice cream, praline, waffle rolls, Dragon waffle

Dragon Queen
coconut topping, white chocolate spread, vanilla ice cream, candid cherry, Dragon waffle

Dragon Prince
cinnamon topping, Nutella spread, vanilla ice cream, chocolate ghost, Dragon waffle

Dragon Princess
coconut topping, white chocolate spread, whipping cream, chocolate ghost, marshmello, Dragon waffle
Sweet pastry holds a special place in our hearts and overwhelms everybody who try it. Our love for fresh, bewilderingly tasty pastry and attention to every detail, makes it irresistable.

Dragon Fire Bread
Baking dough wrapped around spits, dates back to the medieval times, however the first known recipe for Dragon Fire bread originates from Transylvania, where it’s called Kürtőskalács. As the popularity of the product spread across the world, many bakers referred to the product as a ‘Chimney cake’, as not only was the word Kürtőskalács difficult to pronounce, but as the Kürtőskalács was removed from the cooking roll, the cylindrical baked product also resembled that of a smoking Chimney. Just to complicate matters more, in Czech Republic and Slovakia, it is called Trdelnik and in Germany Baumstriezel!
In Soft Pastry
Discover all the combinations of toppings and spreads and find your favourite!

Always Fresh
Our Dragon Fire Bread is made fresh for every single customer. Because fresh is the only way to experience this delicious, crispy yet tender and soft pastry that holds a special place in the Green Dragon legend to this day. Get it fresh!

The Legend of
Dragon Fire Bread
Dragon Fire Bread is a sweet cylindrical bread-like pastry that originates in Transylvania, the home of Count Dracula, the son of the dragon. It was baked at special occasions, such as weddings and births and given as a token of love. Count Dracula believed that the dragons of Europe should unite, to protect themselves from being slayed by humans. That's why he sent the three headed dragon of Transylvania called Balaur, to Slovenia with a gift of peace for the Green Dragon of Ljubljana. Balaur presented the unusual dough on a stick, covered by sugar to the Green Dragon who then breathed his fire, full of love onto the stick of dough, which baked the Dragon Fire Bread and melted the sugar. Together they created this delicacy that no one can resist. Fascinated by their creation Balaur and Green Dragon formed an alliance, even negotiated peace with humans, where delicious Dragon Fire Bread, created with love, was served as a sign of love, respect and praise of every living creature on earth. Even scary dragons. Today, our Dragon Fire Bread, is baked in an oven, however, when removed from the wooden cooking roll, it continues to smoke like dragons’ breath. It remains a symbol, a token of love and a reminder that delicious food has the power so great,

Our Shop
Find our dragons in the old medieval centre of Ljubljana and enjoy in delicious pastry, various snacks, ice cream, coffee and more.

Open Kitchen
Visit our stand and open-air Open Kitchen festival, a true celebration of delicious tastes that Ljubljana has to offer. Open Kitchen takes place most Fridays on Pogačarjev trg (Pogačar Square) in Ljubljana. Find more info here.Try our Special Offer!